31 Days of Halloween 2018, Make-up

Infected (25/31)

I finally found fake blood and liquid latex! It only took me 25 days! I’m so happy to finally get my gore on and I started with this zombie bite. I made the bite out of foam clay and applied it to my chest with some liquid latex. I then surrounded it with tissue and liquid latex.


For my foundation I used the No7 Stay Perfect foundation and then set it all with the NYX HD Finishing Powder. I didn’t bother with concealer to hide my bags because I was trying to be a zombie. I also left my brows alone too, queue natural brows.

I also used some liquid latex and tissue on my cheek and waited for it to dry. Once it was dry I covered that and the bite on my chest with the same foundation and set them with powder. With the cut on my cheek I used some scissors to carefully cut through the layers of liquid latex and cut down either side to show my skin. I then painted my skin with black face paint.

Around my eyes I used a mixture of the red and burgundy shade from the Morphe 35c palette over my eye lid and under it too to create bags. I then used a darker shade on my forehead and neck. For the veins coming from the bite and my eyes I used the NYX Lip Cream in Copenhagen on a thin brush.

On the bite I used a red eyeshadow to create irritation and deepened the teeth marks with some black eyeshadow. I brushed some deep purple eyeshadow over it too and then added to fake blood. I also did the same with the cut on my face and added some fake blood coming from my nose.

And that’s the look finished! It feels good to be playing with fake blood and liquid latex again! If you haven’t already check out yesterdays look! Classic Skull (24/31)

Stay Spooky!


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