31 Days of Halloween 2018, Make-up

31 Days of Halloween is Over!

I can't believe that October is done with! I've literally had the craziest month, even crazier than last year. I struggled a lot with time management this year but I only missed 2 days out of the whole 31 so I'm quite impressed! I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that… Continue reading 31 Days of Halloween is Over!

31 Days of Halloween 2018, Make-up

Mystique (8/31)

Today I thought I would attempt a Mystique look! I've seen this going around Instagram so thought I would give it a try of my own! Let's get started! (Disclaimer- eye, hair and lighting in edited but the makeup hasn't been changed) To start with I used the NYX white eyeliner to draw a line… Continue reading Mystique (8/31)