blog, Personal

A-Z of Just Sarah

Hey everyone! I've seen a few people doing this and I've only ever introduced myself when I started my blog over a year ago! Since then I've gained a few more lovely followers so I thought I'd do a little get to know me in the style of A-Z! It was harder than I thought… Continue reading A-Z of Just Sarah


August Goals

Another month has gone by so quickly! I'm so excited about this month because at the end my family are all coming out to visit me and Skye and I can't wait to see them and show them around Thailand! It's going to be the best! But first lets see how I did in July!… Continue reading August Goals


Things I’ve Been Obsessed With!

Today I thought I'd write about some media things I've been obsessed with, YouTube Channels, films, songs, series and Instagram accounts! So get a brew and biscuits ready for this long post! YouTube Channels TmarTn2 - Super Cooper Sundays The first YouTube Channel I've loved lately is TmarTn 2. It's run by Trevor who also… Continue reading Things I’ve Been Obsessed With!