
Surf and Sand Resort, Hua Hin Review

Skye and I had a little get away to Hua Hin this week to visit one of his friends so I thought I'd do a quick review of the place we stayed in. We were lucky enough to have this hotel paid for us by his friend's lovely family which we are very grateful for.… Continue reading Surf and Sand Resort, Hua Hin Review


6 Things I’ve Learnt From 6 Months Living in Thailand!

Can you believe that I've been in Thailand for over 6 months! That's half a year! I still can't believe it, in one aspect it feels like it was yesterday that I was in England and in another it feels like I've been here ages! We've had so many ups and downs and have learnt… Continue reading 6 Things I’ve Learnt From 6 Months Living in Thailand!

blog, Personal, Thailand

I Tried Plastic Free July!

So I did hear about this challenge at the beginning of the month and did a bit of research about it. I used the Plastic Free July website to read up all about the project they're doing. We're all guilty of not really thinking about the single use plastics that we use in everyday life.… Continue reading I Tried Plastic Free July!

blog, Make-up

Summer Swimsuits I’m Obsessed With!

Living in Thailand is great, but you find yourself lusting after so many bikinis! And there aren't loads of places you can get them from over here like I thought you would. So to quench my bikini thirst, I thought I'd look at some online shops at some bikinis I love! In The Style I… Continue reading Summer Swimsuits I’m Obsessed With!


We made it!

We made it to Chiang Mai! Our day started off on Sunday with my alarm going off at 4:15am and we were up and dressed and on our way to the airport in half an hour. My dads engine light came on with an error though which threw a spanner in the works, but luckily… Continue reading We made it!


Follow me on my trip to Thailand!

In less than 24 hours I'll be on my first flight of the day to Thailand! I still can't quite believe that we're going, I think it'll just hit me when we touch down in a place I've never been before! I'm not going to give too much info away at the moment, I'll tell… Continue reading Follow me on my trip to Thailand!